Matlab数值 数学建模全部资料
- file:数理天地.jpg
- file:长期更新.几千T 资源大合集 必须看.doc
- file:MATLAB入门经典教程.pdf
- file:Introduction to Numerical Methods and Matlab Programming for Engineers.pdf
- file:Experiments with MATLAB.pdf
- file:数值分析及其MATLAB实现.MATLAB.6.x,7.x版--任玉杰--北京-高等教育出版社--2007.3.pdf
- file:MATLAB - Programming Fundamentals.pdf
- file:Introduction to MATLAB for Engineering Students.pdf
- file:偏微分方程的MATLAB解法.pdf
- file:MATLAB Simulink与控制系统仿真 第3版 王正林 电子工业出版社.pdf
- file:MATLAB - Tutorialspoint.pdf
- file:Introduction to MATLAB for Engineers (Third Edition).pdf
- file:MATLAB - The Language of Technical Computing.pdf
- file:MATLAB编程实例100例.pdf
- file:Programming for Computations – Python.pdf
- file:数学建模常用到的MATLAB函数.pdf
- file:Programming for Computations - A Gentle Introduction to Numerical Simulations with MATLAB or Octave.pdf
- file:数学物理方程的MATLAB解法与可视化.pdf
- file:Programming for Computations – Python (Second Edition).pdf
- file:Applied Numerical Methods Using Matlab.pdf
- file:Introduction to Nonlinear Optimization Theory, Algorithms, and Applications with MATLAB.pdf
- file:数值分析matlab实验.pdf
- file:Matlab之父 程序答案.zip
- file:Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing.pdf
- file:科学计算引论-基于MATLAB的数值分析+第二版.pdf
- file:Data Structures and Dynamic Optimization with Matlab.pdf
- file:数值分析及其MATLAB(姜健飞).pdf
- file:MATLAB函数速查手册.pdf
- file:数学(英)词典.pdf
- file:2020年美赛特等奖论文合辑(可通过书签直接跳转).pdf
- file:2021年美赛特等奖原版论文集.zip
- file:国赛历年题目
- file:92-20年建模国赛优秀论文.zip
- file:历年国赛特等奖论文汇总
- file:写作、模板与排版(30+).zip
- file:数学建模常用数据查找网站.docx
- file:【批量下载】数学建模案例MATLAB实用程序百例等.zip
- file:自学Matlab必备的60个小程序代码.rar
- file:Matlab十大算法源代码.rar
- file:所有课件.zip
- file:给参加MCM同学的一些建议——如何在短时间内争取最大可能性拿奖.pdf
- file:数学建模美赛经验谈.pdf
- file:美赛O奖经验-三月苏苏.docx
- file:01-02数学建模经验2.pdf
- file:我们参加数学建模竞赛获奖的十大秘诀.doc
- file:中国人写英文文章最常范的错误总结.pdf
- file:美赛数学专业词汇.zip
- file:正确写作美国大学生数学建模竞赛论文.pdf
- file:Google和文献检索全攻略.pdf
- file:美赛经验及常用搜索网址.docx
- file:全球免费数据库及常用网站整理.docx
- file:外文数据库的账号和密码.txt
- file:1985-2020历年MCM_ICM赛题(中文版).pdf
- file:2014年B题创意平板桌的一等奖论文.zip
- file:2016美国大学生数学建模特等奖论文集(ICM,含赛题).zip
- file:17美赛O奖论文及赛题全集
- file:2014年A题嫦娥三号软着陆轨道设计与控制策略.zip
- file:2008美国大学生数学建模特等奖论文集(含赛题).rar
- file:2017年美国大学生数学建模竞赛O奖论文(全部).rar
- file:2013美国大学生数学建模特等奖论文集.rar
- file:2013年建模论文集.zip
- file:2015美国大学生数学建模特等奖论文全集(2).zip
- file:2015优秀论文.zip
- file:遗传算法实例.rar
- file:35778.pdf
- file:34985.pdf
- file:33900.pdf
- file:37284.pdf
- file:32879.pdf
- file:38996.pdf
- file:40612.pdf
- file:38727.pdf
- file:35532.pdf
- file:39160.pdf
- file:37075.pdf
- file:40764.pdf
- file:34317.pdf
- file:D42220-Northwestern Polytechnical University, China.pdf
- file:D44173Communication University of China, China.pdf
- file:E52831University of Colorado Denver, CO, USA.pdf
- file:E43443Brown University, RI, USA.pdf
- file:D47876Chongqing University, China.pdf
- file:F44348Sun Yat-Sen University, China.pdf
- file:F46634Shandong University, China.pdf
- file:E52849NC School of Science and Mathematics, NC, USA.pdf
- file:F43181Renmin University of China, China.pdf
- file:E53494United States Military Academy, NY, USA.pdf
- file:D54740Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, NY, USA.pdf
- file:E49630Xiamen University, China.pdf
- file:D49436Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China.pdf
- file:A54164Adlai E. Stevenson High School, IL, USA.pdf
- file:C52815Virginia Tech, VA, USA.pdf
- file:C47823Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, China.pdf
- file:B42745Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China.pdf
- file:C42939Tsinghua University, China.pdf
- file:A46830Southwest Jiaotong University, China.pdf
- file:B48573Wuhan University, China.pdf
- file:A48649Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.pdf
- file:B52221Zhejiang University, China.pdf
- file:B91566-Forecasting the Language Distribution.PDF
- file:D78826-A Design of Elecomb.PDF
- file:D80386.PDF
- file:A76271-Wave Goodbye to Poor Reception.PDF
- file:C80560-A New Keynesian Approach to Optimizing Energy Compact.PDF
- file:B79002-How many languages.PDF
- file:A76082-HF Radio Propagation under Different Terrains.PDF
- file:B77238.PDF
- file:D82504.PDF
- file:B73410-Language Population Projection and Location.PDF
- file:A77845-MHPM and MSRSM Simulation and Modeling of Multi-hop HF Radio Propagation.PDF
- file:C72969-CAFE Characterization, Analysis, Forecasting, and Evaluation of Energy Profile.PDF
- file:B74316.PDF
- file:A86103-Simulation Analysis of Multi-hop HF Radio.PDF
- file:C73767-A Setting System of Interstate Energy Cooperation Goals Based on Data Insight.PDF
- file:C78577-Sustainable Energy Assessment.PDF
- file:A88255.PDF
- file:D73156-Construct all-electric network.PDF
- file:C82150.PDF
- file:F88508-A Smart Privacy Commodity a Quantitative Model of Dynamic Pricing Strategy.PDF
- file:E78511-How Will Climate Change A ect Fragility.PDF
- file:E93840.PDF
- file:E72968-SPEC A Climate-based Fragility Model.PDF
- file:E89499-An Evaluation Model of State Fragility related to Climate Change Based on the PSR Model and Entropy Weight Method.PDF
- file:E74971-Climate counts! Less Fragility & better Countries.PDF
- file:E88902-A Probabilistic Model of the Relationships between Countries and Climate Change.PDF
- file:D82794-How to achieve the full adoption of all-electric vehicles.PDF
- file:F87280-How much is your privacy information.PDF
- file:F83744-Private Information Pricing System Based on Game Theory and Graph Theory.PDF
- file:D81402-Forecast, Blueprint, Strategy, for EV's Future.PDF
- file:30221.pdf
- file:29696.pdf
- file:30680.pdf
- file:31333.pdf
- file:29911.pdf
- file:31262.pdf
- file:25318.pdf
- file:28414.pdf
- file:28199.pdf
- file:28875.pdf
- file:29282.pdf
- file:27688.pdf
- file:25142.pdf
- file:16831.pdf
- file:15420.pdf
- file:14990.pdf
- file:13074.pdf
- file:12218.pdf
- file:15065.pdf
- file:15171.pdf
- file:13855.pdf
- file:15356.pdf
- file:马尔科夫链法预测股票.rar
- file:【公众号:大学生科研竞赛】动态聚类或迭代自组织数据分析算法(ISODATA).rar
- file:【公众号:大学生科研竞赛】adaboost经典的分类算法代码.rar
- file:【公众号:大学生科研竞赛】随机森林应用于分类问题代码.rar
- file:【公众号:大学生科研竞赛】基于EDA数据包络分析的综合评价代码.rar
- file:【公众号:大学生科研竞赛】层次分析法评价.rar
- file:【公众号:大学生科研竞赛】模糊综合评价富营养化评价.rar
- file:MATLAB在数学建模中的应用_12919582_卓金武....pdf
- file:MATLAB在数学建模中的应用_卓金武(上).pdf
- file:华章数学译丛 9 数学建模方法与分析.pdf
- file:《数学建模》姜启源.PDF
- file:Lingo和Excel在数学建模中的应用.pdf
- file:Latex实用教程--20008年版.pdf
- file:《数学建模案例》韩明等.PDF
- file:数学建模 (第三版).pdf
- file:《数学建模:方法导引与案例分析》方道元, 韦明俊.PDF
- file:司守奎数学建模与应用.rar
- file:数学模型(第四版)姜启源.pdf
- file:数学建模方法与分析[新西兰]Mark.M.Meerschaert.pdf
- file:《数学建模方法与应用》侯进军 ... [等].PDF
- file:数学建模案例MATLAB实用程序百例.pdf
- file:数学建模中的常用算法.pdf
- file:《数学建模教程》郑子苹.PDF
- file:《数学建模简明教程》王兵团.PDF
- file:数学建模初步_清华大学数学系.pdf
- file:数学建模实用教程.pdf
- file:2006 姜启源 数学模型案例选集.rar
- file:2008 赵 静 数学建模与数学实验 (第三版).rar
- file:2006 黄世华 数学建模基础教程.rar
- file:2005 阮晓青 周义仓 数学建模引论.rar
- file:2004 梁国业 数学建模.rar
- file:2004 薛 毅 数学建模基础.rar
- file:2005 边馥萍 数学模型方法与算法.rar
- file:2005 韩中庚 数学建模方法及其应用.rar
- file:2004 黄忠裕 初等数学建模.rar
- file:1992~2005年建模论文集.zip
- file:1992~2000全国大学生数学建模竞赛优秀论文汇编.rar
- file:2005-2015国赛AB题赛题及评阅要点.pdf
- file:2016年国赛推荐国家奖论文.zip
- file:2015年全国数学建模竞赛一等奖论文.zip
- file:2.1.mp4
- file:地址.txt
- file:11.2.mp4
- file:10.mp4
- file:第一节课是免费的,腾讯课堂搜索7天学会数学建模即可观看.txt
- file:06 MCM2006A .zip
- file:08
- file:七、美赛优秀论文精析 4.mp4
- file:10
- file:05 Latex Basic
- file:三、Latex 排版入门.mp4
- file:六 2012MCM-A题.mp4
- file:11 Summary.rar
- file:课程任务页.mp4
- file:【课件】第7节Matlab数据处理.zip
- file:12-数学建模冲刺-7-1.mp4
- file:公交调度一等奖论文呢.pdf
- file:01——数学建模冲刺——1-1.mp4
- file:01-02讲稿.pdf
- file:2006 A O Z Sprinkler Systems for Dummies Optimizing a Hand-Moved Sprinkler System.pdf
- file:2006 A O Optimization of Irrigation1.pdf
- file:2006 A M Piping Hot Weather.pdf
- file:2006 A M Optimizing a Handmove Sprinkler System .pdf
- file:2006 A P Positioning and Moving Sprinkler Systems for Irrigation .pdf
- file:2006_A_O_Fastidious_Farmer_Algorithms.pdf
- file:2006_A_O_A_Schedule_for_Lazy_but_Smart_Ranchers.pdf
- file:s Commentary The Outstanding Irrigation Problem Papers.pdf
- file:2006_A_O_Sprinkle,_Sprinkle,_Little_Yard..pdf
- file:2006_A_O_Developing_Improved_Algorithms_for_Irrigation_Systems.pdf
- file:mcm 2006 judge A.pdf
- file:2012年美赛特等奖论文.pdf
- file:2012mcmsolutions.pdf
- file:s Commentary The Outstanding Flood Planning Papers.pdf
- file:2005 A O Analysis of Dam Failure in the Saluda River Valley.pdf
- file:mcm 2005 A 3.pdf
- file:2005 A O Through the Breach Modeling Flooding from a Dam Failure in South Carolina.pdf
- file:2005 A M One Two Step .pdf
- file:2005 A O Z Catastrophic Consequences of Earthquake Destruction of the Saluda Dam.pdf
- file:2005 A O From Lake Murray to a Dam Slurry.pdf
- file:2007 A O P Electoral Redistricting with Moment of Inertia.pdf
- file:2007 A O What to Feed a Gerrymander.pdf
- file:2007 A O Applying Voronoi Diagrams to the Redistricting Problem.pdf
- file:2007 A O When Topologists Are Politicians.pdf
- file:2007 A O A Cluster-Theoretic Approach to Political Districting.pdf
- file:2007 A H Genetic Algorithm for Non-Partisan Legislative Districting.pdf
- file:2003 A O Thinking Outside the Box and Over the Elephant.pdf
- file:mcm2003_A_wang_tang_yu.pdf
- file:2003 A O A Time-Independent Model of Box Safety for Stunt Motorcyclists.pdf
- file:2003 A O Cardboard Comfortable When it comes to Crashing.pdf
- file:2003 A O You Too Can Be James Bond.pdf
- file:2003 A O Fly With Confidence.pdf
- file:2003 A O Safe Landings.pdf
- file:2004 B M Virtual Lines in Topoland with these Designs.pdf
- file:2004 B O Theme-Park Queueing Systems.pdf
- file:mcm2004_b_li_gu_zeng.pdf
- file:2004 B O A Myopic Aggregate-Decision Model for Reservation Systems in Amusement Parks.pdf
- file:2004 B O Z Theme Park Simulation with a Nash-Equilibrium-Based Visitor Behavior Model.pdf
- file:2004 B O Developing Improved Algorithms for QuickPass Systems.pdf
- file:2004 B O KalmanQueue An Adaptive Approach to Virtual Queueing.pdf
- file:mcm2004_b_xia_zhao_gao.pdf
- file:s Commentary The Outstanding Tollbooths Papers.pdf
- file:2005 B O The Booth Tolls for Thee .pdf
- file:2005 B O For Whom the Booth Tolls.pdf
- file:2005 B O Two Tools for Tollbooth Optimization.pdf
- file:2005 B O The Multiple Single Server Queueing System.pdf
- file:2005 B O Lane Changes and Close Following Troublesome Tollbooth Traffic.pdf
- file:2005 B M Giving Queueing the Booth.pdf
- file:2005 B O A Quasi-Sequential Cellular-Automaton Approach to Traffic Modeling.pdf
- file:2005 B O A Single-Car Interaction Model of Traffic for a Highway Toll Plaza.pdf
- file:2009年国际大学生数学建模竞赛A题获奖论文(5).pdf
- file:2009MCM.pdf
- file:2002 B O Probabilistically Optimized Airline Overbooking Strategies.pdf
- file:2002 B O The Airline Overbooking Problem.pdf
- file:2002 B O Models for Evaluating Airline Overbooking.pdf
- file:2002 B O Optimal Overbooking.pdf
- file:2002 B O Things That Go Bump in the Flight.pdf
- file:2002 B J Judge’s Commentary The Outstanding Airline Overbooking Papers.pdf
- file:2002 B O ACE is High.pdf
- file:ease and toil analyzing sudoku.pdf.pdf
- file:A Difficulty Metric and Puzzle Generator for Sudoku.pdf
- file:s special compost (中文).pdf
- file:s Commentary Fingerprint Identification .pdf
- file:2004 A M Fe-Fi-Fo Thumb.pdf
- file:s Editorial The Good Fight.pdf
- file:2004 A O Not Such a Small Whorl After All.pdf
- file:2004 A O Z Rule of Thumb Prints Beat DNA.pdf
- file:2004 A O The Myth of The Myth of Fingerprints.pdf
- file:t Quite Put Our Finger On It.pdf
- file:s Commentary The Outstanding Fingerprints Papers.pdf
- file:2002 A J Judge’s Commentary The Outstanding Wind and Waterspray Papers.pdf
- file:2002 A M Fountain Spray as a Particle Model.pdf
- file:in the Wind.pdf
- file:2002 A O Wind and Waterspray.pdf
- file:2002 A O The Fountain That Math Built.pdf
- file:2002 A O Simulating a Fountain.pdf
- file:2002 A O A Foul Weather Fountain.pdf
- file:2003 B O Shelling Tumors with Caution and Wiggles.pdf
- file:2003 B O Shoot to Kill.pdf
- file:2003 B O The Gamma Knife Problem.pdf
- file:2003 B O A Sphere-Packing Model for the Optimal Treatment Plan.pdf
- file:2003 B M Optimization of Stereotactic Radiosurgery Treatment Planning.pdf
- file:2003 B O The Genetic Algorithm-Based Optimization Approach for Gamma Unit Treatment.pdf
- file:s commentary the outstanding aircraft queueing papers .pdf
- file:1989 B Controlling departing airport traffic (中文).pdf
- file:s commentary modeling aircraft departures .pdf
- file:1989 B How to please most of the people most of the time.pdf
- file:1989 B Runway management a mathematical model .pdf
- file:1989 B Janet a better airport queue-sorting model .pdf
- file:89 simulation of airport scheduling .pdf
- file:s commentary the outstanding water tank papers1.pdf
- file:1991 A A polynomial model for estimating water flow .pdf
- file:1991 A Go with the flow .pdf
- file:1991 A Pump up the volume!.pdf
- file:s commentary the outstanding emergency power restoration papers .pdf
- file:1992 B Development of an emergency response system .pdf
- file:1992 B Restoring power after storm to take months and millions .pdf
- file:2001 B O Please Move Quickly and Quietly to the Nearest Freeway.pdf
- file:2001 B O Project H.E.R.O. Hurricane Evacuation Route Optimization.pdf
- file:with Floyd A Traffic Flow Analysis of South Carolina Hurricane Evacuation.pdf
- file:2001 B O Traffic Flow Models and the Evacuation Problempdf.pdf
- file:2001 B O The Crowd Before the Storm.pdf
- file:s Commentary The Outstanding Hurricane Evacuation Papers.pdf
- file:2001 B M When a Hard Wind Blows the Traffic Slows.pdf
- file:1995 B O Long-Term and Transient Pay Scale for College Faculty.pdf
- file:1995 B O The World’s Most Complicated Payroll.pdf
- file:1995 B O Paying Professors What They’re Worth.pdf
- file:1996 B O Select the Winners Fast.pdf
- file:1996 B O The Inconsistent Judge.pdf
- file:1996 B O The Paper Selection Scheme Simulation Analysis.pdf
- file:s Commentary Computer Support for The MCM.pdf
- file:1996 B O Modeling Better Modeling Judges.pdf
- file:1996 B J The Outstanding Contest Judging Papers A.pdf
- file:1996 B Judge’s Commentary The Outstanding Contest Judging Papers B.pdf
- file:1996 B O Judging a Mathematics Contest.pdf
- file:s commentary the outstanding snowplow papers.pdf
- file:1990 B Plower power .pdf
- file:1990 B The snowplow problem .pdf
- file:1990 B The two-snowplow routing problem .pdf
- file:1990 B A real snow job.pdf
- file:1995 A O The Single Helix.pdf
- file:1995 A O A Specialized Root-Finding Method.pdf
- file:s Commentary The Outstanding Helix Intersections Papers.pdf
- file:1995 A C Author’s Commentary The Outstanding Helix Intersections Papers.pdf
- file:1995 A O Planes and Helices.pdf
- file:s Commentary The Outstanding Channel Assignment Papers.pdf
- file:2000 B J Space Aliens Land, Threaten Global Destruction.pdf
- file:2000 B O A Channel Assignment Model The Span Without a Face.pdf
- file:2000 B O Radio Channel Assignments.pdf
- file:with the Big Band(width).pdf
- file:2000 B O Utilize the Limited Frequency Resources Efficiently.pdf
- file:re Outside the Coverage Area.pdf
- file:Practitioner's commentary the outstanding coal tipple operations papers.pdf
- file:1993 B Coal tipple operations .pdf
- file:1991 B The construction of a minimal-cost Steiner-tree .pdf
- file:1991 B Judge’s Commentary the outstanding Steiner tree papers .pdf
- file:1991 B Iterative and constructive models .pdf
- file:1991 B Finding optimal Steiner trees.pdf
- file:s commentary finding makespans is NP-complete .pdf
- file:s commentary the outstanding communications network papers .pdf
- file:1994 B Talking fast finding the makespan of a communications network .pdf
- file:1994 B M 计算机网络的最小接通时间.pdf
- file:1994 B M 信息传递最少用时的数学模型.pdf
- file:1997 A O Modeling Optimal Predator and Prey Strategies.pdf
- file:1997 A O The Geometry and the Game Theory of Chases.pdf
- file:1997 A O A Three-Phase Model for Predator–Prey Analysis.pdf
- file:1997 A O Pursuit–Evasion Games in the Late Cretaceous.pdf
- file:1997 A O Lunch on the Run.pdf
- file:1990 A Distribution of dopamine in the brain (中文).pdf
- file:1990 A Author’s Commentary the outstanding brain drug papers.pdf
- file:1990 A J 扩散问题的偏微分方程模型.pdf
- file:s model.pdf
- folder:Matlab数值 数学建模全部资料
- folder:数学建模全部资料
- folder:7.论文写作及89-21年历年美赛论文
- folder:5.数学建模各类题型
- folder:4.建模电子书与资料
- folder:10.数据搜集
- folder:8.Matlab学习
- folder:1.小白必看教程【视频】
- folder:3.美赛数模冲刺必看【视频】
- folder:9.数学建模经验
- folder:美赛2019O奖论文
- folder:2017年美国大学生数学建模竞赛O奖论文(全部)
- folder:论文写作
- folder:2013年前所有的论文
- folder:数据检索库
- folder:85-20年历年题目
- folder:2006年-2016年美国大学生数学建模特等奖大全
- folder:2015美赛特等奖原版论文集
- folder:2018年美赛O奖论文
- folder:【公众号:保研岛】优化与控制题型参考代码
- folder:建模电子书(中)
- folder:建模电子书(上)【重要】
- folder:1998年-2017年国赛历年赛题、优秀论文及知识点相关资料整理
- folder:2Matlab快速入门
- folder:一、MATLAB快速入门
- folder:11MCM2005B
- folder:1数学模型的应用举例
- folder:4启发式算法
- folder:3Matlab提高
- folder:5元胞自动机
- folder:6预测和评价
- folder:8排队论
- folder:9CUMCM2016A
- folder:7图与网络
- folder:五、美赛优秀论文精析 2
- folder:四、Latex 排版提升
- folder:十、作业点评 & 比赛注意事项
- folder:7
- folder:MCM2019B
- folder:MCM写作模版(各部分)
- folder:2010b
- folder:2006a
- folder:1993a
- folder:1989b
- folder:信息检索
- folder:【公众号:大学生科研竞赛】多种群遗传算法的函数优化算法代码
- folder:【公众号:大学生科研竞赛】基于深度优先搜索算法图论代码
- folder:【公众号:大学生科研竞赛】GA优化后的RBF神经网络优化分析代码
- folder:【公众号:大学生科研竞赛】蚁群算法求解TSP问题matlab代码
- folder:【公众号:大学生科研竞赛】基于蚁群算法的二维路径规划代码
- folder:【公众号:大学生科研竞赛】人工鱼群求解TSP问题源代码
- folder:【公众号:大学生科研竞赛】量子遗传算法代码
- folder:【公众号:大学生科研竞赛】基于遗传算法的Bp神经网络优化算法代码
- folder:【公众号:大学生科研竞赛】改进非支配邻域免疫算法目标优化代码
- folder:【公众号:大学生科研竞赛】免疫优化算法在物流配送中心选址中的应用代码
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- folder:【公众号:大学生科研竞赛】快速近邻法分类程序
- folder:第一期
- folder:数学建模算法与程序 司守奎
- folder:2017国赛优秀论文
- folder:B题犯罪学
- folder:C题
- folder:A题滑雪场问题
- folder:中继站的协调
- folder:A题甜蜜点
入库时间 2024-11-07 08:15:02
资源来源 夸克网盘
分享用户 11*5