- file:数理天地.jpg
- file:长期更新.几千T 资源大合集 必须看.doc
- file:Hans J. Weber, Frank Harris, George B. Arfken—Essential Mathematical Methods for Physicists.pdf
- file:Mary L. Boas—Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences.pdf
- file:K. F. Riley, M. P. Hobson, S. J. Bence—Mathematical methods for physics and engineering .pdf
- file:数学物理引论 -- (美)哈普尔(C_Harper)著;萧布森译 -- 1981 -- 北京:科学出版社.pdf
- file:数学物理方法2 [(德)柯朗,(德)希尔伯特 著] 2012年版.pdf
- folder:【数学书籍】数学物理方法
- folder:数学物理方法英文版教材
入库时间 2024-11-07 08:13:21
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